Careers in Houston Medical Testing

Pinnacle Medical Management Corporation is always looking for talented people to add to our team. If you have a background in any of the areas of our expertise, please let us know about you.

We have created a progressive and motivational environment that is quiet, comfortable and professional. At Pinnacle Medical Management you will be exposed to the most advanced technologies.

At Pinnacle Medical Management, every member of our team is challenged to greatness and is given every opportunity to advance.

We offer a competitive career package including Fortune 500 benefits along with our upbeat, energetic and rewarding atmosphere.

Resume Submission and Reply Policy

Please send your resume for consideration to or fill out our online form.
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We accept emailed inquiries only. Please do not call or fax. Due to the volume of resumes we receive, we are not always able to reply. Be assured that we will review your resume and contact you if we believe you have the appropriate skill set for our firm.